Custom Framing Needlework

We take pride in our needlework expertise. We have needleworkers on staff, so we realize the time and effort that goes into needlework. Proper framing ensures that the needlework will be preserved for the enjoyment of future generations. Generally needlework is stretched with silk pins, or, if you prefer, we can lace them (pulling with criss-crossed thread). Either method is completely reversible in the event that you want to remove them from their frame. Needlepoint can be blocked at our store, so don’t worry if they are not square when you bring them in for framing.

It is very important to keep your cross stitch clean as you work on it. Dirt from hands and hoops usually does not come out and shows up more clearly once they are stretched and framed. You should have at least three inches of fabric bordering the work to permit easy handling during stretching. After the piece is finished you should inspect it thoroughly for missed stitches, loose threads and errors in word or dates. You should also sign your work. Even if the design is not yours, the labor is. Your signature or initials and a date will become more significant as years go by.

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